I have spent a lot of time lately thinking about this blog and where I want to go with it. Right now it is a place for me to share some of the beautiful things I see (in life and around the web), but I often feel that sometimes I would like to share more of what is happening inside my head.
I have a lovely friend who is pursuing her dream of writing and she has a wonderful blog where she documents her life experiences, her joys, her struggles and her thoughts. This has been very inspiring for me.
Thank you Klara for being so brave and thank you for inspiring me to try and do the same!
So if you see a few "inside my head" posts in the months to come- just bear with me. I am going to give this "put myself out there" thing a try. I might love it, I might hate. it But at least I will have tried it!
Do you think I should give it a go, or do you think I should stick to lighthearted posts about pretty things? I would love to hear your thoughts.
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