Love. Eat. Style

Friday, November 5, 2010

Friday at last!

Friday has finally arrived!

I have a busy couple of days ahead, so I'll leave you with this gorgeous pic before I get completely caught up!

This is seriously one of the most fantastic photos I have ever seen. Taken from the album of this gorgeous wedding and found here. Who knew taxis could be so romantic?

Have a fantastic weekend!

~ T xx

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


So Christmas is around the corner and I can feel the holiday spirit starting to stir. How is your  Christmas shopping coming along? Have you put together your wishlist yet?

I don't have much of a wishlist yet, but I have just discovered a site called Pinterest (thank you Wiley Valentine). Have you heard of it? It is a catalogue of lovely bits and pieces... like a virtual pinboard for you to keep track of your favourite things. You must check it out! Although- I have to warn you- this site should come with a disclaimer- stay away if you have deadlines or plans to get any work done- you will be distracted by the hundreds of gorgeous pictures. 

Here are a few of my favourites:

(The source links will take you to the Pinterest page- for the original source 
go to the Pinterest page and click on the blue link in the top right hand corner above the image) 

What gorgeous colours (source)
Cupcake decals! How clever. Almost too pretty to eat! (source)

 These clouds are so white and fluffy... they make me a little sleepy (original source)

How delicious and gorgeous is this cake? (source)

What a lovely, colourful rug. I wonder if it would be difficult to make? (source)

Seeing something as fun and fantastic (and South African) as this on Pinterest makes me very happy! (source)

Oh my hat! These shoes are fabulous! (source)

This is so cute! Where can I get one? (source)

Took me a while to figure it out! But very clever. And perfect for Movember. (source)

I love these! Watch out little gingerbread men out there- the ninjas are on the loose! (source)

I could keep going all night... I guess it is time for me to get my own Pinterest account. Watch this space!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Sew Gorgeous!

This might make me sound nerdy... but I have to confess- I am obsessed with embroidery- the sweet embroidery rings, the colourful threads and the fantastic little stitches that can turn thread, beads and fabric into an artistic masterpiece!

I recently discovered that a group of fantastic ladies meet once a week to sew, chat and obsess over pretty stitches. They make pillow covers, quilts and other fabulous things... I think I might have to join them. I know this might make me sound like I have come straight out of the 1800's... but it is really fascinating to see what can be done (by hand - no machines required!). 

Ok- you guys decide for yourselves- is it silly and outdated or retro and cool?

How lovely are these embroidered cakes (As seen on Oh Happy Day)

I think the French knots (yellow dots at the bottom of the cake and collection of red, grey and yellow dots on the top of the cake) are super cute. They are also really easy to do- check this tutorial out (below) if you would like to try them yourself.

If cross-stitch is more your thing- then you will LOVE this. And who doesn't love bunting? These cross-stitch kits come with embroidery cloth, hoop, thread, needle and pattern. So fun!

Slipcover Your Life wants you to keep calm and carry on!

Embroidery hoops are also great for displaying pretty fabrics or as wall hangings.

 What a pretty fabric (source)

Bunting <3 (source)

So sweet (source)

We recently found this table cloth which was hand-stitched by my grandmother about 60 years ago... it still amazes me that this was done completely by hand... it is so incredibly neat and the colours are bold and bright. Beautiful!

Ok- so have I convinced you? Is sewing even a little bit cool? Or am I just a big, boring nerd? What do you think?

Have a lovely week!

~ T xx