Love. Eat. Style

Thursday, April 28, 2011

I Dream of Tutus

I have been doing ballet for 4 months now and am loving it. I am not sure whether I have made any progress (I can't do the splits, put my leg high in the air and I have terrible turn-out), but it is a great workout and just so beautiful. 

We have a wonderful ballet teacher who teaches the Vaganova method. She is patient, firm (whilst, still being gentle) and offers us lots of praise to keep us motivated. I would really recommend ballet as a workout for anyone wanting to increase their core strength, improve their balance or just to burn calories.

Classical ballet is so beautiful, but I would love to see more modern ballet performances (by modern I mean classical ballet moves adapted and choreographed to work with more modern music) - does anyone know of any ballets that use more contemporary music? 

Something similar to the last dance scene in Centre Stage (hardcore ballet-enthusiasts please don't judge me!)

I'm in love... and yes... I do dream of tutus.


DIY tutorial here


(Oh- and I haven't forgotten about the promised giveaway ...  I have just been a bit slow getting things done -  I blame all the public holidays)

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Parkour aka freerunning (which differs slightly) aka l'art du déplacement is a sport which draws on the skills of speed, efficiency and spatial awareness. It is difficult to explain...

Tempest Freerunning Academy from The Cool Hunter on Vimeo.

Its like a mix of gymnastics, circus-like performance skill and crazy obstacle-course manoeuvres.

Find it fascinating and want to try it out? If you live in South Africa you can join the Parkour South Africa mailing list to find out about public parkour jams happening all across SA.

Who knows... in the next 5 years maybe we won't be sending our kids to ballet and soccer practice... we might be sending them off to parkour school...

(For music lovers -  the track from the video is Ellie Goulding - Lights (Bassnectar Remix)

Friday, April 15, 2011

This made me laugh

Do you remember this song?

Cheesy love ballad... full of desperation and longing... enough to make you really depressed - well not if you stumble across a poster like this -

Happy Friday

Hope you had a happy week and that you have a relaxing weekend. Here are some pretty things to enjoy:

Who wouldn't want to go here on holiday?

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Weekend Links

Just stopping by to say a quick hello and share some funny/pretty/fun/delicious things from around the internet:

A ring for her and a ring for him (and one for any guy who has trouble remembering those important dates)
A sign to sing about
Earl Grey Cupcakes
I am a cat lover... and this picture is made of happiness (source)
I WANT, WANT, WANT this dress!
I have recently discovered the Gordon Ramsay Cook With Me application for iPad (Thanks V and M) and can't wait for winter to arrive so I can make these
Perfect, pretty pink picnic
Funny bunny 
Are you a fan of the Beastie Boys? No...? What about Will Ferrel, Jack Black, Ted Danson, Elijah Wood, John C. Reilly or Seth Rogan?

One of my favourite posters/ prints. So inspirational. Typography = <3